Continga vDOT

Continga's vDOT is a simple solution designed to assist in assessing patient treatment adherence.

Introduction to Continga vDOT

Patients can be enrolled, which involves defining a Care Plan (medications you wish to monitor and when) and a Care Team (which clinician staff within your team can access the patient). No additional installs or software is required and all data is encrypted and stored within the appropriate country's jurisdiction.

The patient can log into Continga vDOT from their mobile device. From here, they select the medication(s) they are taking, record the video using their device's camera, and sending this to their Care Team.

This video is securely uploaded to the vDOT platform, where the clinician can view the video and capture notes or actions (e.g. contacting the patient to provide feedback). The platform does not yet notify the patient of captured notes or feedback automatically.

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