Activity Log

The Activity Log shows all the videos you have recorded, and their upload status.

Should an error occur whilst uploading, the Activity Log is where you can retry uploading this video. Additionally, if you do not have internet access, you can record several videos whilst offline. These videos will be queued for upload in the Activity Log.

If an upload fails, this will be stored in the Activity Log where it can be retried for upload.

Should an item get stuck uploading, please refer to troubleshooting on our FAQ

It is recommended that you are connected to Wi-Fi when uploading videos to ensure successful upload.

To view the Activity Log:

  1. Click the Activity icon.

  1. The list of videos will be shown in Date order, with the most recent at the top.

  2. Each video will have a status indicator of it's upload status

Note that successfully uploaded videos will move from the "Pending" tab to the "Complete" tab

Last updated